Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i hate technology

I get too easily distracted. Trying to write my papers for Phil's class.
But I'd rather watch experimental films.
You go Ben Russell.

Black and White Trypps Number Three (EXCERPT) from Ben Russell on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

as it (my 4500) exists right now

something else is going to evolve from this project for Recycled Images.

I can feel it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wow. Shit. Oh no.

1 month of school left.  I feel like FILM has taken over my brain.  I wanted to do something with HD, but I absolutely couldn't get my mind off of like, just wanting to look at film.  Wanting to touch, scratch, splice, tape.  Getting frustrated with codecs and Final Cut just wasn't doing it for me... sure, the picture looks great, but I also like looking at film projected on a wall.  It looks stunning.  I can buy an HD camera once I graduate, but it's going to be rather difficult for me to get Steenbeck time elsewhere.

Good thing this is all I'm thinking about.