Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2 stores didn't have the right food coloring.  [Eff the gel kind! Gr!]

 I didn't realize what the paper read until I was taking the picture...


  1. Great pictures of your scratch film, true to the Blog name. The photo of your clear leader project with the "Let your voice be heard" is AWESOME! I was able to find 2 types of liquid food coloring at Kings, found it with the spices on the top shelf. Excited to see how those sprinkles will show up on screen :)

  2. Wonderful pics of both your processes! That really is funny about LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD--sometimes we think we are making one thing and it turns out we are making another, ha.
    Sprinkles are so..solid. Remind me to show you some glitter film by Jessie STead--oh wait-here are some stills of her piece LEFT BEHIND BY RUNAWAY MUTANTS!
